When I started creating Arlo Collections, I wanted to sell products that are versatile & practical but also look great! When Arlo started his solids journey I found it very confronting and overwhelming as I had a lack of knowledge on what to do. I had a few friends recommend checking out "boob to food" or book known as "milk to meals". This book had a lot of amazing information in it to get me going along with recipes. There is no right or wrong way on how to do solids. There is a lot of information out there and many different feeding styles. We personally did BLW (baby led weaning) and a mixture of purees that I made and froze.

I found it difficult to find a ice cube tray with a lid in stores that worked well. I used a plastic one originally and it was very hard to get food out once frozen. I next used a normal ice tray with out a lid, but this was also difficult as it would spill and be hard to place in our freezer. Thats when i came across using silicone! 

Our Silicone Ice Cube Trays are now my go to baby product for meal preparation when cooking solids for my baby. Wether your doing BLW (baby led weaning) or making purees, our Ice Cube Trays are definitely a baby product you must have! If you are a time poor mum or dad these are the perfect solution for being organised, while also being able to providing the best level of nutrition to your little ones. 


What I love also about our ice cube trays is they can be used in many different ways. They are safe to put in the oven up to 180C or can be frozen. I love making fruit ice cubes to help me drink water! Plus they also look amazing.


We have a lot of baby led weaning and puree recipes on our other blog posts or otherwise you can find many detailed video walk throughs on our Tik Tok or Instagram. 


We can't wait to see your creations! 

Rose + Arlo 

What are the benefits of using our feeding sets?

Posted by Rose Nelson

When creating Arlo Collections our main goal was to sell products that are versatile, aesthetically pleasing but also very practical.    Our silicone feeding sets are designed for your convenience and to fit...

Why do you need a silicone Ice Cube Tray?

Posted by Rose Nelson

When I started creating Arlo Collections, I wanted to sell products that are versatile & practical but also look great! When Arlo started his solids journey I found it very confronting...

How to care for your silicone products?

Posted by Rose Nelson

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