The studies show that rosewater contains antioxidants and helps reduce skin redness, prevents and treats infections. Enhance mood, relieves headaches, and soothes sore throats/skin irritation!

Today we are making wellness rose cubes for your rose water!
All you need 
Dried organic rose petals 
Water or Rose water 
Our ice cube tray
1. Fill the cubes up to the 60 ml line
2. Sprinkle the rose petals over each cube
3. Put the lid on the ice cube to ensure no spillage in the freezer.
4. Let the cubes set for a few hours.
5. Pop out the cubes (I like to put in the glad bag in the freezer)
6. Serve the cubes with your liquid of choose!
These taste so good with water or rosewater! If you're making mocktails or cocktails add these cubes in. Let me know if you try it.

What are the benefits of using our feeding sets?

Posted by Rose Nelson

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Why do you need a silicone Ice Cube Tray?

Posted by Rose Nelson

When I started creating Arlo Collections, I wanted to sell products that are versatile & practical but also look great! When Arlo started his solids journey I found it very confronting...

How to care for your silicone products?

Posted by Rose Nelson

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